The Meaning of the Msaada Logo

With the transition of the Msaada office from Minnesota to Ohio in 2019, a new logo was introduced. Some have asked if the new logo has meaning and the answer is yes.

MSAADA Circle-10.png

Msaada itself is from the East African language of Kiswahili and means “assistance.” As Msaada first served in Tanzania, the name was a natural explanation of our ministry. Assisting mission organizations with their building needs through design; namely, architectural and related professional services.

The Blue Dot represents the earth as our efforts are global in nature. American Poet, Archibald MacLeish described the view of earth from space, thus: “To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold - brothers who know now that they are truly brothers.” As brothers together in this world, it is our duty to protect our shared environment through appropriate and sustainable design.

75% of the Blue Dot. Our focus is the high percentage of the world’s population who still live in underdeveloped or developing situations - approximately 75%. Though significant strides have been made in many countries during Msaada’s history, the fact remains that the needs of the poor are still critical. As half of the world lives on roughly $2.50 per day and 22,000 children die every day due to starvation or lack of medical care, the need to serve still exists. Improvements in healthcare, education and living conditions do not simply acknowledge development, they enhance the dignity of the human species.

Christ is our center. As Paul wrote in Romans 11:36: “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” The world itself, each person and our skills are created by God to bring Him glory. Through the example of Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are called to acknowledge His centrality and our responsibilities as citizens of His creation.

To summarize, yes, the new Msaada logo does have meaning. In the name of Jesus Christ, Msaada is called to assist the people of the developing world through design and dignity.

Jerry MurrayP.O. Box 667